Refund Policy

The Refund Policy applies to all our customers.

Refund Policy

Hostigger offers a limited money-back guarantee for certain services.

Shared Hosting :Hostiger offers a Fifteen (15) day money-back guarantee for Hostiger's managed shared, and reseller hosting services only. This money-back guarantee only applies to fees paid for hosting services and does not apply to administrative fees, install fees for custom software or other setup fees, or to any fees for any other additional services. The fee for the days you use the service is deducted and the remaining fee is refunded.

Domain :Domain names are your unique addresses on the internet. Once purchased, you own the control of your domain name, and it is managed by international organizations like ICANN. Domain names are registered for personal or commercial use and therefore cannot be refunded.

SSL :SSL certificates are digital certificates used to secure your website and are custom-generated upon your order. Once activated, the certificate is assigned to a specific domain for the duration of its validity and cannot be transferred to another domain. Therefore, SSL certificates are non-refundable by their nature.

VDS / VPS :A VPS is a dedicated virtual server created by virtualizing a physical server. Upon your order, a dedicated VPS environment is created for your exclusive use. VPS services, by their nature, are non-refundable.

Cloud Server :Our cloud server services are custom-configured for each customer to provide a flexible and scalable infrastructure tailored to their specific needs. Due to the highly customized nature of these services, refunds are not available. Our technical team is happy to assist you in selecting the appropriate server configuration to meet your requirements before placing your order.

Dedicated Server :Dedicated servers are physical servers that are entirely dedicated to you. These servers are ideal for high-performance applications. Dedicated server services, like VPS, are non-refundable by their nature.

Refund Payments:

As of February 19, 2020, 10% of the amount to be refunded will be deducted as a payment instrument (payment company) commission, and the remaining amount will be refunded.

Cryptocurrency Payments:

Payments made with cryptocurrencies are non-refundable under any circumstances. Please carefully review our service contract before making a payment with this method.